Welcome to a genealogical website for the surnames Berkhof and Berkhoff. The surname Berkhof(f) is a Dutch and German surname. According to the Dutch MunicipalAdministration of 2007, the name (Van den) Berkhof occurs 1.157 and the name Berkhoff 357 times. ForGermany no exact statistics are known. According the phone book, they can be estimated here at 2 and189 persons. Approximately another 250 name bearers of both kinds, live in various other countries. In The Netherlands as well as in Northwestern Germany more regions of surname origin are known. Withthis site we hope to stimulate genealogical interest and research. This by making results of research moreeasily available. We further hope to reconstruct the different families and to find the surname origin ofeach of them. In addition to the classic paperwork research a genetic DNA Project has been started. DNA researchoffers possibilities to establish family relationships where the paper trail stops. All (male) surnamebearers are invited to join into this fascinating new research programm. Marnix Berkhoff - The Netherlands.